Friends and Family Adult Day Program
Program Description
Family and Friends Adult Day Program (FFADP) is a social model adult daycare program with a dual focus: the participants and their caregivers. While our day services are designed to meet the unique needs of older adults, we also provide caregiver support related to eldercare. With staff specializing in the use of mental health counseling, creative arts, and personal care for seniors, it is our privilege to work with participants and caregivers and to provide the highest quality of social programing in our area.
Daytime Supervision
Caregiver Support
Meals and Snacks
Recreational Activities
Music Therapy
Cognition Programming
Medication Reminders
Community Outings
Daily Exercise
Friends and Family Adult Day Program serves adults ages 65 and older that:
- by reason of cognitive or physical infirmity, require full time care and supervision
- are ambulatory with the use of a walker or cane and only require moderate assistance to stand
- are not a danger to themselves or others
- are cooperative with staff and compliant with program goals
- are generally continent of bowel and bladder
To determine eligibility, all perspective participants/caregivers must complete a preliminary application form and provide a medical release document signed by their primary physician. Once these materials have been received, the Program Supervisor will contact caregivers to set up a formal evaluation. Once eligibility has been determined, we will also require the completion of an enrollment application and work with new participants/caregivers to identify potential ways to provide support during their transition into the program.